Utility types for working with ABIs and EIP-712 Typed Data.
Converts AbiParameter
to corresponding TypeScript primitive type.
Name | Description | Type |
abiParameter | Parameter to convert to TypeScript representation. | AbiParameter |
abiParameterKind | Kind to narrow by parameter type. | AbiParameterKind (optional) |
returns | TypeScript primitive type. | type (inferred) |
import { type AbiParameterToPrimitiveType<abiParameter extends AbiParameter | { name: string; type: unknown; }, abiParameterKind extends AbiParameterKind = AbiParameterKind> = abiParameter["type"] extends AbiBasicType ? AbiTypeToPrimitiveType<abiParameter["type"], abiParameterKind> : abiParameter extends {
} ? AbiComponentsToPrimitiveType<...> : MaybeExtractArrayParameterType<...> extends [...] ? AbiArrayToPrimitiveType<...> : abiParameter extends {
} ? abiParameter["components"] : unknownConverts AbiParameter to corresponding TypeScript primitive type.
AbiParameterToPrimitiveType } from 'abitype'
type type Result = `0x${string}`Result = type AbiParameterToPrimitiveType<abiParameter extends AbiParameter | { name: string; type: unknown; }, abiParameterKind extends AbiParameterKind = AbiParameterKind> = abiParameter["type"] extends AbiBasicType ? AbiTypeToPrimitiveType<abiParameter["type"], abiParameterKind> : abiParameter extends {
} ? AbiComponentsToPrimitiveType<...> : MaybeExtractArrayParameterType<...> extends [...] ? AbiArrayToPrimitiveType<...> : abiParameter extends {
} ? abiParameter["components"] : unknownConverts AbiParameter to corresponding TypeScript primitive type.
name: "owner"name: 'owner'
type: "address"type: 'address'
Converts array of AbiParameter
to corresponding TypeScript primitive types.
Name | Description | Type |
abiParameters | Parameters to convert to TypeScript representations. | readonly AbiParameter[] |
abiParameterKind | Kind to narrow by parameter type. | AbiParameterKind (optional) |
returns | TypeScript primitive types. | type[] (inferred) |
import { type AbiParametersToPrimitiveTypes<abiParameters extends readonly AbiParameter[], abiParameterKind extends AbiParameterKind = AbiParameterKind> = { [K in keyof { [key in keyof abiParameters]: AbiParameterToPrimitiveType<abiParameters[key], abiParameterKind>; }]: { [key in keyof abiParameters]: AbiParameterToPrimitiveType<abiParameters[key], abiParameterKind>; }[K]; }Converts array of AbiParameter to corresponding TypeScript primitive types.
AbiParametersToPrimitiveTypes } from 'abitype'
type type Result = [`0x${string}`, bigint]Result = type AbiParametersToPrimitiveTypes<abiParameters extends readonly AbiParameter[], abiParameterKind extends AbiParameterKind = AbiParameterKind> = { [K in keyof { [key in keyof abiParameters]: AbiParameterToPrimitiveType<abiParameters[key], abiParameterKind>; }]: { [key in keyof abiParameters]: AbiParameterToPrimitiveType<abiParameters[key], abiParameterKind>; }[K]; }Converts array of AbiParameter to corresponding TypeScript primitive types.
{ name: "to"name: 'to'; type: "address"type: 'address'; },
{ name: "tokenId"name: 'tokenId'; type: "uint256"type: 'uint256'; },
Converts AbiType
to corresponding TypeScript primitive type.
Name | Description | Type |
abiType | ABI type to convert to TypeScript representation. | AbiType |
abiParameterKind | Kind to narrow by parameter type. | AbiParameterKind (optional) |
returns | TypeScript primitive type. | type (inferred) |
import { type AbiTypeToPrimitiveType<abiType extends AbiType, abiParameterKind extends AbiParameterKind = AbiParameterKind> = abiType extends "bytes" | "bytes1" | "bytes2" | "bytes3" | "bytes4" | "bytes5" | "bytes6" | "bytes7" | "bytes8" | "bytes9" | "bytes10" | "bytes11" | "bytes12" | ... 19 more ... | "bytes32" ? PrimitiveTypeLookup[abiType][abiParameterKind] : PrimitiveTypeLookup[abiType]Converts AbiType to corresponding TypeScript primitive type.
Does not include full array or tuple conversion. Use AbiParameterToPrimitiveType to fully convert arrays and tuples.
AbiTypeToPrimitiveType } from 'abitype'
type type Result = `0x${string}`Result = type AbiTypeToPrimitiveType<abiType extends AbiType, abiParameterKind extends AbiParameterKind = AbiParameterKind> = abiType extends "bytes" | "bytes1" | "bytes2" | "bytes3" | "bytes4" | "bytes5" | "bytes6" | "bytes7" | "bytes8" | "bytes9" | "bytes10" | "bytes11" | "bytes12" | ... 19 more ... | "bytes32" ? PrimitiveTypeLookup[abiType][abiParameterKind] : PrimitiveTypeLookup[abiType]Converts AbiType to corresponding TypeScript primitive type.
Does not include full array or tuple conversion. Use AbiParameterToPrimitiveType to fully convert arrays and tuples.
Extracts AbiError
with name from Abi
Name | Description | Type |
abi | ABI. | Abi |
errorName | Name of error. | string (inferred) |
returns | ABI Error. | AbiError |
import { type ExtractAbiError<abi extends Abi, errorName extends ExtractAbiErrorNames<abi>> = Extract<abi[number], {
type: "error";
}> extends {
name: errorName;
} ? {
name: errorName;
} & Extract<abi[number], {
type: "error";
}> : neverExtracts AbiError with name from Abi.
ExtractAbiError } from 'abitype'
const const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "BarError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
}, {
readonly name: "FooError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
}]abi = [
{ name: "BarError"name: 'BarError', type: "error"type: 'error', inputs: readonly []inputs: [] },
{ name: "FooError"name: 'FooError', type: "error"type: 'error', inputs: readonly []inputs: [] },
] as type const = readonly [{
readonly name: "BarError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
}, {
readonly name: "FooError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
type type Result = {
readonly name: "FooError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
}Result = type ExtractAbiError<abi extends Abi, errorName extends ExtractAbiErrorNames<abi>> = Extract<abi[number], {
type: "error";
}> extends {
name: errorName;
} ? {
name: errorName;
} & Extract<abi[number], {
type: "error";
}> : neverExtracts AbiError with name from Abi.
ExtractAbiError<typeof const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "BarError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
}, {
readonly name: "FooError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
}]abi, 'FooError'>
Extracts all AbiError
names from Abi
Name | Description | Type |
abi | ABI. | Abi |
returns | ABI Error names. | string (inferred) |
import { type ExtractAbiErrorNames<abi extends Abi> = Extract<abi[number], {
type: "error";
}>["name"]Extracts all AbiError names from Abi.
ExtractAbiErrorNames } from 'abitype'
const const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "FooError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
}, {
readonly name: "BarError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
}]abi = [
{ name: "FooError"name: 'FooError', type: "error"type: 'error', inputs: readonly []inputs: [] },
{ name: "BarError"name: 'BarError', type: "error"type: 'error', inputs: readonly []inputs: [] },
] as type const = readonly [{
readonly name: "FooError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
}, {
readonly name: "BarError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
type type Result = "FooError" | "BarError"Result = type ExtractAbiErrorNames<abi extends Abi> = Extract<abi[number], {
type: "error";
}>["name"]Extracts all AbiError names from Abi.
ExtractAbiErrorNames<typeof const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "FooError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
}, {
readonly name: "BarError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
Extracts all AbiError
types from Abi
Name | Description | Type |
abi | ABI. | Abi |
returns | ABI Errors. | AbiError (union) |
import { type ExtractAbiErrors<abi extends Abi> = abi[number] extends {
type: 'error';
} ? abi[number] : neverExtracts all AbiError types from Abi.
ExtractAbiErrors } from 'abitype'
const const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "FooError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
}, {
readonly name: "BarError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
}]abi = [
{ name: "FooError"name: 'FooError', type: "error"type: 'error', inputs: readonly []inputs: [] },
{ name: "BarError"name: 'BarError', type: "error"type: 'error', inputs: readonly []inputs: [] },
] as type const = readonly [{
readonly name: "FooError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
}, {
readonly name: "BarError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
type type Result = {
readonly name: "FooError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
} | {
readonly name: "BarError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
}Result = type ExtractAbiErrors<abi extends Abi> = abi[number] extends {
type: 'error';
} ? abi[number] : neverExtracts all AbiError types from Abi.
ExtractAbiErrors<typeof const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "FooError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
}, {
readonly name: "BarError";
readonly type: "error";
readonly inputs: readonly [];
Extracts AbiEvent
with name from Abi
Name | Description | Type |
abi | ABI. | Abi |
eventName | Name of event. | string (inferred) |
returns | ABI Event. | AbiEvent |
import { type ExtractAbiEvent<abi extends Abi, eventName extends ExtractAbiEventNames<abi>> = Extract<abi[number], {
type: "event";
}> extends {
name: eventName;
} ? {
name: eventName;
} & Extract<abi[number], {
type: "event";
}> : neverExtracts AbiEvent with name from Abi.
ExtractAbiEvent } from 'abitype'
const const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "Approval";
readonly type: "event";
readonly anonymous: false;
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "approved";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
}, {
}]abi = [
name: "Approval"name: 'Approval',
type: "event"type: 'event',
anonymous: falseanonymous: false,
inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "approved";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "tokenId";
readonly type: "uint256";
readonly indexed: true;
}]inputs: [
{ name: "owner"name: 'owner', type: "address"type: 'address', indexed: trueindexed: true },
{ name: "approved"name: 'approved', type: "address"type: 'address', indexed: trueindexed: true },
{ name: "tokenId"name: 'tokenId', type: "uint256"type: 'uint256', indexed: trueindexed: true },
name: "Transfer"name: 'Transfer',
type: "event"type: 'event',
anonymous: falseanonymous: false,
inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "to";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "tokenId";
readonly type: "uint256";
readonly indexed: true;
}]inputs: [
{ name: "from"name: 'from', type: "address"type: 'address', indexed: trueindexed: true },
{ name: "to"name: 'to', type: "address"type: 'address', indexed: trueindexed: true },
{ name: "tokenId"name: 'tokenId', type: "uint256"type: 'uint256', indexed: trueindexed: true },
] as type const = readonly [{
readonly name: "Approval";
readonly type: "event";
readonly anonymous: false;
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "approved";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
}, {
type type Result = {
readonly name: "Transfer";
readonly type: "event";
readonly anonymous: false;
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "to";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
}Result = type ExtractAbiEvent<abi extends Abi, eventName extends ExtractAbiEventNames<abi>> = Extract<abi[number], {
type: "event";
}> extends {
name: eventName;
} ? {
name: eventName;
} & Extract<abi[number], {
type: "event";
}> : neverExtracts AbiEvent with name from Abi.
ExtractAbiEvent<typeof const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "Approval";
readonly type: "event";
readonly anonymous: false;
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "approved";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
}, {
}]abi, 'Transfer'>
Extracts all AbiEvent
names from Abi
Name | Description | Type |
abi | ABI. | Abi |
returns | ABI Error names. | string (inferred) |
import { type ExtractAbiEventNames<abi extends Abi> = Extract<abi[number], {
type: "event";
}>["name"]Extracts all AbiEvent names from Abi.
ExtractAbiEventNames } from 'abitype'
const const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "Approval";
readonly type: "event";
readonly anonymous: false;
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "approved";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
}, {
}]abi = [
name: "Approval"name: 'Approval',
type: "event"type: 'event',
anonymous: falseanonymous: false,
inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "approved";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "tokenId";
readonly type: "uint256";
readonly indexed: true;
}]inputs: [
{ name: "owner"name: 'owner', type: "address"type: 'address', indexed: trueindexed: true },
{ name: "approved"name: 'approved', type: "address"type: 'address', indexed: trueindexed: true },
{ name: "tokenId"name: 'tokenId', type: "uint256"type: 'uint256', indexed: trueindexed: true },
name: "Transfer"name: 'Transfer',
type: "event"type: 'event',
anonymous: falseanonymous: false,
inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "to";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "tokenId";
readonly type: "uint256";
readonly indexed: true;
}]inputs: [
{ name: "from"name: 'from', type: "address"type: 'address', indexed: trueindexed: true },
{ name: "to"name: 'to', type: "address"type: 'address', indexed: trueindexed: true },
{ name: "tokenId"name: 'tokenId', type: "uint256"type: 'uint256', indexed: trueindexed: true },
] as type const = readonly [{
readonly name: "Approval";
readonly type: "event";
readonly anonymous: false;
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "approved";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
}, {
type type Result = "Approval" | "Transfer"Result = type ExtractAbiEventNames<abi extends Abi> = Extract<abi[number], {
type: "event";
}>["name"]Extracts all AbiEvent names from Abi.
ExtractAbiEventNames<typeof const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "Approval";
readonly type: "event";
readonly anonymous: false;
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "approved";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
}, {
Extracts all AbiEvent
types from Abi
Name | Description | Type |
abi | ABI. | Abi |
returns | ABI Events. | AbiEvent (union) |
import { type ExtractAbiEvents<abi extends Abi> = abi[number] extends {
type: 'event';
} ? abi[number] : neverExtracts all AbiEvent types from Abi.
ExtractAbiEvents } from 'abitype'
const const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "Approval";
readonly type: "event";
readonly anonymous: false;
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "approved";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
}, {
}]abi = [
name: "Approval"name: 'Approval',
type: "event"type: 'event',
anonymous: falseanonymous: false,
inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "approved";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "tokenId";
readonly type: "uint256";
readonly indexed: true;
}]inputs: [
{ name: "owner"name: 'owner', type: "address"type: 'address', indexed: trueindexed: true },
{ name: "approved"name: 'approved', type: "address"type: 'address', indexed: trueindexed: true },
{ name: "tokenId"name: 'tokenId', type: "uint256"type: 'uint256', indexed: trueindexed: true },
name: "Transfer"name: 'Transfer',
type: "event"type: 'event',
anonymous: falseanonymous: false,
inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "to";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "tokenId";
readonly type: "uint256";
readonly indexed: true;
}]inputs: [
{ name: "from"name: 'from', type: "address"type: 'address', indexed: trueindexed: true },
{ name: "to"name: 'to', type: "address"type: 'address', indexed: trueindexed: true },
{ name: "tokenId"name: 'tokenId', type: "uint256"type: 'uint256', indexed: trueindexed: true },
] as type const = readonly [{
readonly name: "Approval";
readonly type: "event";
readonly anonymous: false;
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "approved";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
}, {
type type Result = {
readonly name: "Approval";
readonly type: "event";
readonly anonymous: false;
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "approved";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
} | {
}Result = type ExtractAbiEvents<abi extends Abi> = abi[number] extends {
type: 'event';
} ? abi[number] : neverExtracts all AbiEvent types from Abi.
ExtractAbiEvents<typeof const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "Approval";
readonly type: "event";
readonly anonymous: false;
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
readonly name: "approved";
readonly type: "address";
readonly indexed: true;
}, {
}, {
Extracts AbiFunction
with name from Abi
Name | Description | Type |
abi | ABI. | Abi |
functionName | Name of function. | string (inferred) |
abiStateMutability | ABI state mutability. | AbiStateMutability (optional) |
returns | ABI Function. | AbiFunction |
import { type ExtractAbiFunction<abi extends Abi, functionName extends ExtractAbiFunctionNames<abi, AbiStateMutability>, abiStateMutability extends AbiStateMutability = AbiStateMutability> = Extract<abi[number], {
type: "function";
stateMutability: abiStateMutability;
}> extends {
name: functionName;
} ? {
name: functionName;
} & Extract<abi[number], {
type: "function";
stateMutability: abiStateMutability;
}> : neverExtracts AbiFunction with name from Abi.
ExtractAbiFunction } from 'abitype'
const const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "balanceOf";
readonly type: "function";
readonly stateMutability: "view";
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}, {
}]abi = [
name: "balanceOf"name: 'balanceOf',
type: "function"type: 'function',
stateMutability: "view"stateMutability: 'view',
inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
}]inputs: [{ name: "owner"name: 'owner', type: "address"type: 'address' }],
outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}]outputs: [{ name: "balance"name: 'balance', type: "uint256"type: 'uint256' }],
name: "safeTransferFrom"name: 'safeTransferFrom',
type: "function"type: 'function',
stateMutability: "nonpayable"stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "address";
}, {
readonly name: "to";
readonly type: "address";
}, {
readonly name: "tokenId";
readonly type: "uint256";
}]inputs: [
{ name: "from"name: 'from', type: "address"type: 'address' },
{ name: "to"name: 'to', type: "address"type: 'address' },
{ name: "tokenId"name: 'tokenId', type: "uint256"type: 'uint256' },
outputs: readonly []outputs: [],
] as type const = readonly [{
readonly name: "balanceOf";
readonly type: "function";
readonly stateMutability: "view";
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}, {
type type Result = {
readonly name: "balanceOf";
readonly type: "function";
readonly stateMutability: "view";
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}Result = type ExtractAbiFunction<abi extends Abi, functionName extends ExtractAbiFunctionNames<abi, AbiStateMutability>, abiStateMutability extends AbiStateMutability = AbiStateMutability> = Extract<abi[number], {
type: "function";
stateMutability: abiStateMutability;
}> extends {
name: functionName;
} ? {
name: functionName;
} & Extract<abi[number], {
type: "function";
stateMutability: abiStateMutability;
}> : neverExtracts AbiFunction with name from Abi.
ExtractAbiFunction<typeof const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "balanceOf";
readonly type: "function";
readonly stateMutability: "view";
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}, {
}]abi, 'balanceOf'>
Extracts all AbiFunction
names from Abi
Name | Description | Type |
abi | ABI. | Abi |
abiStateMutability | ABI state mutability. | AbiStateMutability (optional) |
returns | ABI Event names. | string (inferred) |
import { type ExtractAbiFunctionNames<abi extends Abi, abiStateMutability extends AbiStateMutability = AbiStateMutability> = Extract<abi[number], {
type: "function";
stateMutability: abiStateMutability;
}>["name"]Extracts all AbiFunction names from Abi.
ExtractAbiFunctionNames } from 'abitype'
const const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "balanceOf";
readonly type: "function";
readonly stateMutability: "view";
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}, {
}]abi = [
name: "balanceOf"name: 'balanceOf',
type: "function"type: 'function',
stateMutability: "view"stateMutability: 'view',
inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
}]inputs: [{ name: "owner"name: 'owner', type: "address"type: 'address' }],
outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}]outputs: [{ name: "balance"name: 'balance', type: "uint256"type: 'uint256' }],
name: "safeTransferFrom"name: 'safeTransferFrom',
type: "function"type: 'function',
stateMutability: "nonpayable"stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "address";
}, {
readonly name: "to";
readonly type: "address";
}, {
readonly name: "tokenId";
readonly type: "uint256";
}]inputs: [
{ name: "from"name: 'from', type: "address"type: 'address' },
{ name: "to"name: 'to', type: "address"type: 'address' },
{ name: "tokenId"name: 'tokenId', type: "uint256"type: 'uint256' },
outputs: readonly []outputs: [],
] as type const = readonly [{
readonly name: "balanceOf";
readonly type: "function";
readonly stateMutability: "view";
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}, {
type type Result = "balanceOf" | "safeTransferFrom"Result = type ExtractAbiFunctionNames<abi extends Abi, abiStateMutability extends AbiStateMutability = AbiStateMutability> = Extract<abi[number], {
type: "function";
stateMutability: abiStateMutability;
}>["name"]Extracts all AbiFunction names from Abi.
ExtractAbiFunctionNames<typeof const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "balanceOf";
readonly type: "function";
readonly stateMutability: "view";
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}, {
Extracts all AbiFunction
types from Abi
Name | Description | Type |
abi | ABI. | Abi |
returns | ABI Functions. | AbiFunction (union) |
import { type ExtractAbiFunctions<abi extends Abi, abiStateMutability extends AbiStateMutability = AbiStateMutability> = abi[number] extends {
type: 'function';
stateMutability: abiStateMutability;
} ? abi[number] : neverExtracts all AbiFunction types from Abi.
ExtractAbiFunctions } from 'abitype'
const const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "balanceOf";
readonly type: "function";
readonly stateMutability: "view";
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}, {
}]abi = [
name: "balanceOf"name: 'balanceOf',
type: "function"type: 'function',
stateMutability: "view"stateMutability: 'view',
inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
}]inputs: [{ name: "owner"name: 'owner', type: "address"type: 'address' }],
outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}]outputs: [{ name: "balance"name: 'balance', type: "uint256"type: 'uint256' }],
name: "safeTransferFrom"name: 'safeTransferFrom',
type: "function"type: 'function',
stateMutability: "nonpayable"stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "address";
}, {
readonly name: "to";
readonly type: "address";
}, {
readonly name: "tokenId";
readonly type: "uint256";
}]inputs: [
{ name: "from"name: 'from', type: "address"type: 'address' },
{ name: "to"name: 'to', type: "address"type: 'address' },
{ name: "tokenId"name: 'tokenId', type: "uint256"type: 'uint256' },
outputs: readonly []outputs: [],
] as type const = readonly [{
readonly name: "balanceOf";
readonly type: "function";
readonly stateMutability: "view";
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}, {
type type Result = {
readonly name: "balanceOf";
readonly type: "function";
readonly stateMutability: "view";
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
} | {
}Result = type ExtractAbiFunctions<abi extends Abi, abiStateMutability extends AbiStateMutability = AbiStateMutability> = abi[number] extends {
type: 'function';
stateMutability: abiStateMutability;
} ? abi[number] : neverExtracts all AbiFunction types from Abi.
ExtractAbiFunctions<typeof const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "balanceOf";
readonly type: "function";
readonly stateMutability: "view";
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}, {
By default, extracts all functions, but you can also filter by AbiStateMutability
type Result = ExtractAbiFunctions<typeof erc721Abi, 'view'>
Checks if type is Abi
Name | Description | Type |
abi | ABI. | Abi |
returns | Boolean value. true if valid Abi , false if not. | boolean |
import { type IsAbi<abi> = abi extends Abi ? true : falseChecks if type is Abi.
IsAbi } from 'abitype'
const const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "balanceOf";
readonly type: "function";
readonly stateMutability: "view";
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}, {
}]abi = [
name: "balanceOf"name: 'balanceOf',
type: "function"type: 'function',
stateMutability: "view"stateMutability: 'view',
inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
}]inputs: [{ name: "owner"name: 'owner', type: "address"type: 'address' }],
outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}]outputs: [{ name: "balance"name: 'balance', type: "uint256"type: 'uint256' }],
name: "safeTransferFrom"name: 'safeTransferFrom',
type: "function"type: 'function',
stateMutability: "nonpayable"stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "address";
}, {
readonly name: "to";
readonly type: "address";
}, {
readonly name: "tokenId";
readonly type: "uint256";
}]inputs: [
{ name: "from"name: 'from', type: "address"type: 'address' },
{ name: "to"name: 'to', type: "address"type: 'address' },
{ name: "tokenId"name: 'tokenId', type: "uint256"type: 'uint256' },
outputs: readonly []outputs: [],
] as type const = readonly [{
readonly name: "balanceOf";
readonly type: "function";
readonly stateMutability: "view";
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}, {
type type Result = trueResult = type IsAbi<abi> = abi extends Abi ? true : falseChecks if type is Abi.
IsAbi<typeof const abi: readonly [{
readonly name: "balanceOf";
readonly type: "function";
readonly stateMutability: "view";
readonly inputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "owner";
readonly type: "address";
readonly outputs: readonly [{
readonly name: "balance";
readonly type: "uint256";
}, {
Checks if type is TypedData
Name | Description | Type |
typedData | EIP-712 Typed Data schema. | TypedData |
returns | Boolean value. true if valid TypedData , false if not. | boolean |
import { type IsTypedData<typedData> = typedData extends {
[x: string]: readonly TypedDataParameter[];
[x: `string[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `function[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `address[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bool[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes2[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes3[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes1[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes4[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes5[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes6[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes7[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes8[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes9[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes10[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes11[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes12[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes13[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes14[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes15[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes16[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes17[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes18[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes19[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes20[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes21[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes22[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes23[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes24[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes25[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes26[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes27[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes28[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes29[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes30[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes31[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes32[${string}]`]: undefined ...Checks if type is TypedData.
IsTypedData } from 'abitype'
const const types: {
readonly Person: readonly [{
readonly name: "name";
readonly type: "string";
}, {
readonly name: "wallet";
readonly type: "address";
readonly Mail: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "Person";
}, {
}, {
}types = {
type Person: readonly [{
readonly name: "name";
readonly type: "string";
}, {
readonly name: "wallet";
readonly type: "address";
}]Person: [
{ name: "name"name: 'name', type: "string"type: 'string' },
{ name: "wallet"name: 'wallet', type: "address"type: 'address' },
type Mail: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "Person";
}, {
readonly name: "to";
readonly type: "Person";
}, {
readonly name: "contents";
readonly type: "string";
}]Mail: [
{ name: "from"name: 'from', type: "Person"type: 'Person' },
{ name: "to"name: 'to', type: "Person"type: 'Person' },
{ name: "contents"name: 'contents', type: "string"type: 'string' },
} as type const = {
readonly Person: readonly [{
readonly name: "name";
readonly type: "string";
}, {
readonly name: "wallet";
readonly type: "address";
readonly Mail: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "Person";
}, {
}, {
type type Result = trueResult = type IsTypedData<typedData> = typedData extends {
[x: string]: readonly TypedDataParameter[];
[x: `string[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `function[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `address[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bool[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes2[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes3[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes1[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes4[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes5[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes6[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes7[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes8[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes9[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes10[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes11[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes12[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes13[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes14[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes15[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes16[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes17[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes18[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes19[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes20[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes21[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes22[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes23[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes24[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes25[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes26[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes27[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes28[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes29[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes30[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes31[${string}]`]: undefined;
[x: `bytes32[${string}]`]: undefined ...Checks if type is TypedData.
IsTypedData<typeof const types: {
readonly Person: readonly [{
readonly name: "name";
readonly type: "string";
}, {
readonly name: "wallet";
readonly type: "address";
readonly Mail: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "Person";
}, {
}, {
Converts EIP-712 TypedData
to corresponding TypeScript primitive type.
Name | Description | Type |
typedData | EIP-712 Typed Data schema. | TypedData |
returns | TypeScript representation of schema. | { [name: string]: type } (inferred) |
import { type TypedDataToPrimitiveTypes<typedData extends { [x: string]: readonly TypedDataParameter[]; [x: `string[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `function[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `address[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bool[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes2[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes3[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes1[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes4[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes5[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes6[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes7[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes8[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes9[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes10[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes11[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes12[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes13[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes14[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes15[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes16[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes17[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes18[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes19[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes20[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes21[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes22[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes23[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes24[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes25[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes26[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes27[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes28[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes29[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes30[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes31[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes32[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `int[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `int8[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `int16[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `int24[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: ... = { [key in keyof typedData]: { [key2 in typedData[key][number] as key2["name"]]: key2["type"] extends key ? Error<`Cannot convert self-referencing struct '${key2["type"]}' to primitive type.`> : key2["type"] extends keyof typedData ? key2["type"] extends keyof keyReferences ? Error<...> : { [key in keyof Exclude<...>]: { [key2 in Exclude<...>[key][number] as key2["name"]]: key2["type"] extends key ? Error<...> : key2["type"] extends keyof Exclude<...> ? key2["type"] extends key | ... 1 more ... | keyof keyReferences ? Error<...> : { [key in keyof Exclude<...>]: { [key2 in Exclude<...>[key][number] as key2["name"]]: key2["type"] extends key ? Error<...> : key2["type"] extends keyof Exclude<...> ? key2["type"] extends key | ... 3 more ... | key2["type"] ? Error<...> : { [key in keyof Exclude<...>]: { [key2 in Exclude<...>[key][number] as key2["name"]]: key2["type"] extends key ? Error<...> : key2["type"] extends keyof Exclude<...> ? key2["type"] extends key | ... 5 more ... | key2["type"] ? Error<...> : { [key in keyof Exclude<...>]: { [key2 in Exclude<...>[key][number] as key2["name"]]: key2["type"] extends key ? Error<...> : key2["type"] extends keyof Exclude<...> ? key2["type"] extends key | ... 7 more ... | key2["type"] ? Error<...> : { [key in keyof Exclude<...>]: { [key2 in Exclude<...>[key][number] as key2["name"]]: key2["type"] extends key ? Error<...> : key2["type"] extends keyof Exclude<...> ? key2["type"] extends key | ... 9 more ... | key2["type"] ? Error<...> : { [key in keyof Exclude<...>]: { [key2 in Exclude<...>[key][number] as key2["name"]]: key2["type"] extends ...Converts typedData to corresponding TypeScript primitive types.
TypedDataToPrimitiveTypes } from 'abitype'
const const types: {
readonly Person: readonly [{
readonly name: "name";
readonly type: "string";
}, {
readonly name: "wallet";
readonly type: "address";
readonly Mail: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "Person";
}, {
}, {
}types = {
type Person: readonly [{
readonly name: "name";
readonly type: "string";
}, {
readonly name: "wallet";
readonly type: "address";
}]Person: [
{ name: "name"name: 'name', type: "string"type: 'string' },
{ name: "wallet"name: 'wallet', type: "address"type: 'address' },
type Mail: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "Person";
}, {
readonly name: "to";
readonly type: "Person";
}, {
readonly name: "contents";
readonly type: "string";
}]Mail: [
{ name: "from"name: 'from', type: "Person"type: 'Person' },
{ name: "to"name: 'to', type: "Person"type: 'Person' },
{ name: "contents"name: 'contents', type: "string"type: 'string' },
} as type const = {
readonly Person: readonly [{
readonly name: "name";
readonly type: "string";
}, {
readonly name: "wallet";
readonly type: "address";
readonly Mail: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "Person";
}, {
}, {
type type Result = {
readonly Person: {
name: string;
wallet: `0x${string}`;
readonly Mail: {
from: {
name: string;
wallet: `0x${string}`;
to: {
name: string;
wallet: `0x${string}`;
contents: string;
}Result = type TypedDataToPrimitiveTypes<typedData extends { [x: string]: readonly TypedDataParameter[]; [x: `string[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `function[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `address[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bool[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes2[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes3[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes1[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes4[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes5[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes6[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes7[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes8[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes9[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes10[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes11[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes12[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes13[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes14[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes15[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes16[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes17[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes18[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes19[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes20[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes21[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes22[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes23[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes24[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes25[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes26[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes27[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes28[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes29[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes30[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes31[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `bytes32[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `int[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `int8[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `int16[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: `int24[${string}]`]: undefined; [x: ... = { [key in keyof typedData]: { [key2 in typedData[key][number] as key2["name"]]: key2["type"] extends key ? Error<`Cannot convert self-referencing struct '${key2["type"]}' to primitive type.`> : key2["type"] extends keyof typedData ? key2["type"] extends keyof keyReferences ? Error<...> : { [key in keyof Exclude<...>]: { [key2 in Exclude<...>[key][number] as key2["name"]]: key2["type"] extends key ? Error<...> : key2["type"] extends keyof Exclude<...> ? key2["type"] extends key | ... 1 more ... | keyof keyReferences ? Error<...> : { [key in keyof Exclude<...>]: { [key2 in Exclude<...>[key][number] as key2["name"]]: key2["type"] extends key ? Error<...> : key2["type"] extends keyof Exclude<...> ? key2["type"] extends key | ... 3 more ... | key2["type"] ? Error<...> : { [key in keyof Exclude<...>]: { [key2 in Exclude<...>[key][number] as key2["name"]]: key2["type"] extends key ? Error<...> : key2["type"] extends keyof Exclude<...> ? key2["type"] extends key | ... 5 more ... | key2["type"] ? Error<...> : { [key in keyof Exclude<...>]: { [key2 in Exclude<...>[key][number] as key2["name"]]: key2["type"] extends key ? Error<...> : key2["type"] extends keyof Exclude<...> ? key2["type"] extends key | ... 7 more ... | key2["type"] ? Error<...> : { [key in keyof Exclude<...>]: { [key2 in Exclude<...>[key][number] as key2["name"]]: key2["type"] extends key ? Error<...> : key2["type"] extends keyof Exclude<...> ? key2["type"] extends key | ... 9 more ... | key2["type"] ? Error<...> : { [key in keyof Exclude<...>]: { [key2 in Exclude<...>[key][number] as key2["name"]]: key2["type"] extends ...Converts typedData to corresponding TypeScript primitive types.
TypedDataToPrimitiveTypes<typeof const types: {
readonly Person: readonly [{
readonly name: "name";
readonly type: "string";
}, {
readonly name: "wallet";
readonly type: "address";
readonly Mail: readonly [{
readonly name: "from";
readonly type: "Person";
}, {
}, {